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Writer's pictureAti Egas

Healing Your Maternal Lineage

As Mother’s Day approaches, it is no coincidence that many of my clients have been bringing in similar themes to work on. The themes are around difficulties with motherhood, conception, femininity and abundance.

It often happens that the synchronicity of large groups of my clientele sets off similar lessons. Of course, it is also no coincidence that I have recently begun to further heal my maternal lineage through the help of a chamana — a woman shaman.

It has been over 12 years since my mother passed. Many clients come to me to help them move through the world as their loved ones have transitioned from this Earth plane. Others come to create boundaries and transition their particular endings with their beloved.

While I believed until recently that my healing was done, I was humbly surprised to note that there was more that my women ancestors had to tell me. And thus, I am currently creating the energetic space for conversation with them.

The process of grief after a loved one has transitioned is one thing. Another, is to delve into the effects of the separation or an ending in each of our systems. By systems, I mean our cells, our thoughts, our beliefs, our behaviors and our energetic communication with those in our bloodline. Particularly, in the case of the mother line — the dozens of women standing before us. And with each one of them, their fears, shame, hate, love, desires, contracts, pacts, and more.

Be it that your mother is alive and you hold a close bond with her. Be it that your mother is alive and you have cut ties with her. Be it that your mother has transitioned from this Earth plane. Your maternal lineage is alive in you.

In the constellation therapy sessions I have done with my clients in lieu of Mother’s Day, we have been able to meet my clients’ mothers energetically, in spirit, and have gained understanding of how they continue to impact their lives. Very importantly, we have also connected the loss of the mother to the loss of financial abundance. Many women point to parts of their reproductive systems, a blockage on money, or a weight that was not theirs during their constellation therapy sessions.

Constellation therapy sessions tend to be very emotional processes. When clients are ready to connect with their loved ones from a different consciousness state, then the portals of healing go much further than the cognitive or logical parts of our being. Healing and connection take a much greater meaning when we are able to see the maternal lineage from where we come from in all their splendor — and accept with grace what they did or did not give you.

Remember that abundance is also the ability to create, to give birth, to make more. Just as nature herself. We all have access to it.

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